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- Years of advising experience
- Proven track record of success
- Articles for every question imaginable with condensed answers.
Mastering Medical School Essays: A Version-Controlled Approach
Hello there, future doctors! Today, we’re going to dive into the world of medical school essays. But we’re not just going to talk about what to write. We’re going to discuss how to manage your drafts effectively, get feedback from multiple sources, and still stay true to your unique voice. Sounds like a lot? Don’t worry. We’ve got a system…
Boost Your Medical School Performance: Ask More, Learn More
Being a medical student is like standing on the brink of an enormous ocean of knowledge. It’s incredibly vast, stunningly complex, and at times, terrifyingly deep. The sight of it can be overwhelming and intimidating, but that’s okay – in fact, it’s part of the journey. You aren’t expected to know everything; instead, you’re here to explore, discover, and learn….
Easily Convert Medical Clerkship Spreadsheets to .ics Files with ChatGPT: Simplify Your Schedule.
Hello, future doctors and medical professionals! Are you tired of juggling your complex clerkship schedules in spreadsheet form? Well, we’ve got just the remedy for you! In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to use ChatGPT to convert your spreadsheet schedules into .ics files that you can import into Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar. Say goodbye to scheduling headaches…
My Dedicated Studying for Step 1 Was Just 1 Week. Here’s How I Hacked It.
When I tell people I only spent one week dedicated to studying for Step 1, they usually respond with a mix of disbelief and curiosity. But it’s true! By leveraging the power of Anki and AnKing during my preclinical years, I not only did well on my in-house school exams but also managed to optimize my Step 1 preparations. In…
Don’t Let the Anki Postpone Add-On Wreck Your Memory Retention
Welcome to the world of Anki, where flashcards rule, and memory retention is the name of the game. But beware of the Anki Postpone add-on, a seemingly harmless tool that could be sabotaging your academic health. In today’s blog post, we’ll discuss how the Anki Postpone add-on is the academic equivalent of relying on steroids and opioids instead of physical…
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